Monday, December 31, 2012

Hebrew words and phrases

Now's a good time to become familiar with Hebrew words you may need to know while in Israel:

Shalom - peace, hello, goodbye

Boker tov - good morning

Erev tov - good evening

L'hitra-ot - see you soon

Todah - thank you

Todah Rabah - thank you very much

Ken - yes

Lo - no

Slicha - I'm sorry, excuse me

Bevakasha - please, your welcome

Mazel tov - congratulations

Sheket - quiet

Achat - one

Shtayim - two

Shalosh - three

Sha'alu Shalom Yerushalayim - Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem

Want to learn more?  go to

Monday, December 24, 2012


Below are highlights from the 2013 itinerary.

Someone once told me that a trip to Israel with John and Arlene was like a college course stuffed into two weeks.  I think it may have been John and Arlene and I think they were right ... good thing there isn't an exam at the end!

I have included website links (in italics) to some of the places we will be going so you can find out more about them ahead of time.  Two of my favorite sites that I have found during my research are the Jewish Virtual Library and Bible Places. Have fun exploring!

Monday, March 4 - depart for Israel

Tuesday, March 5 - arrive in Israel - Tel Aviv

Wednesday, March 6 - Tel Aviv 

  • Independence Hall
  • Neot Kedumim
  • Museum of the Diaspora
  • Old Jaffa

Thursday, March 7 - Tel Aviv

Friday, March 8 - Haifa

Saturday, March 9 - Haifa

Sunday, March 10 - Sea of Galilee

  • Carmiel
  • Banias
  • Golan Heights
  • Hazor

Monday, March 11 - Sea of Galilee

  • Jesus' Galilean Ministry (Capernaum, Taghba, Mt. of Beatitudes)
  • Boat ride on the Sea of Galilee
  • Baptism in the Jordan River

Tuesday, March 12 - Dead Sea

  • Bet Shean
  • Qumran
  • Ein Gedi

Wednesday, March 13 - Dead Sea

Thursday, March 14 - Dead Sea

  • Arad
  • Be'er Sheva

Friday, March 15 - Jerusalem

Saturday, March 16 - Jerusalem

Sunday, March 17 - Jerusalem

Monday, March 18 - Jerusalem

Tuesday, March 19 - Jerusalem

  • Free day in Jerusalem

Wednesday, March 20 - depart for home

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Next Year In Jerusalem

That's right ... we're going back to Israel!

March 4-20, 2013

When we are in Israel, I will post to this blog daily so you can follow us on this amazing journey. Feel free to share this blog with friends and family.

On the days leading up to our trip I will be posting our itinerary and other interesting information.