Saturday, March 23, 2013

March 23 - Next Year in Jerusalem

Well, maybe not next year but we are already praying about what 'next time' looks like.

Scott Miller would like to take a group of college-age young adults back to Israel in 2015 and combine a tour with service.  Steve and I have agreed to partner with Scott in raising funds for this trip.  We have opened up a bank account specifically for this trip.  If you are interested in contributing (unfortunately, it is not tax deductible) please send your check made payable to 'Israel Fund' to Alison Gilbert, 2654 Wildwood Drive, Estes Park, CO 80517.  The account is a joint account with me and Scott and I will be held accountable for this money.

More than money, we would love you to partner with us in prayer for this trip.

If you are interested in being put on our mailing list to get more details about this trip please email me at

I hope you have enjoyed reading my blog.  I have certainly been blessed to write it.

It is all for His Glory,


Friday, March 22, 2013

March 21 - Home Sweet Home

Next best thing to being in Israel is being in Estes Park.  It feels wonderful to be home but Israel has captured my heart.  I thought I would list the guest speakers again with contact information in case anyone wanted to find out more information on their ministries or was interested in supporting them. Many have newsletters you can sign up to receive.

Dugit - Messianic Outreach Centre - Avi Mizrachi

Tents of Mercy - Ohalei Rachamim - Eitan Shishkoff

House of Light - Anis and Nawal Barhoum

Final Frontier - Avner and Rachel Boskey

Christian Friends of Yad VaShem - Susanna Kokkenen

Tikkun Ministries - Dan and Patty Juster

Shabbat of a Lifetime - Natanel and Michelle Cohen

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

March 19 - our last day in Israel

I am blessed to have spent the past two weeks with 32 people I am privileged to call friends.  I thought I would fill my last day in Israel blog with pictures of everyone.