Thursday, March 14, 2013

March 14 - Negev Desert

I absolutely loved today.  It was filled with a day of 'firsts' for me (things we hadn't done on our last trip to Israel) and we were able to meet up with some dear friends.

We left the Rift Valley and entered the Negev Desert.  Did you know that 90% of the Torah (the first 5 books of the Bible) happened in the desert?

Our first stop was Fountain of Tears.  It is a dialogue of suffering between the Holocaust and the Crucification.  It comprises seven sculptured relief panels of Jerusalem stone representing the last seven statements from the Crucifixion and seven life size bronze figures symbolizing the response and reflection of a Holocaust survivor.  The panels are separated by six pillars of field stones which are a memorial to the six million who perished.  It is based on Jeremiah 9:1 - Oh Lord that my head were a spring of water and my eyes a fountain of tears that I would week day and night for the slain of the daughter of my people. It is the cry of the artist, Rick Wienecke, that God would remember the six million and pay back all that was taken from this people as a result of the Holocaust.

My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? 

We then went to Tel Arad where 3,000 years ago King Solomon built a fortress and a Jewish Temple.  The most interesting thing about the Temple was that it had a sacrificial altar and the Holy of Holies.
sacrificial altar
Holy of Holies

We were able to spend some time with Avner and Rachel Boskey at Abraham's Well in Be'er Sheva. Avner and Rachel visited Estes Park last year and Avner preached at Rocky. They have a Messianic Jewish ministry in Israel called Final Frontier.  Find out more about it at  Avner has also been in several Day of Discovery documentaries. You can watch the documentary he did on Be'er Sheva at

with Avner and Rachel at Abraham's well
We arrived in Jerusalem in the late afternoon and will spend the remainder of our time here. Our first stop tomorrow morning will be the Mount of Olives. I think that should always be the first time you see Jerusalem so I will save that photo for tomorrow. But I will leave you tonight with the prayer we prayed together over Jerusalem.

Our feet are standing at the gates, Jerusalem.  Jerusalem, built as a city bound firmly together, where tribes once went up to give thanks unto God, where thrones of Justice were once set, thrones of the house of David.  Pray for the peace of Jerusalem, may they prosper who love her.  May peace be in her walls, tranquility in her towers. May God bless us from Zion and let us see the good of Jerusalem.  Let us see our children's children and Peace upon Israel.

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