Saturday, March 9, 2013

March 9 - Haifa

So this has been the most amazing day so far ... and all I can think about, from past experience, is the best is yet to come!

We had a nice relaxing morning - John and Arlene let us sleep late.  We didn't have to be on the bus until 8:45am! Our first stop was Tents of Mercy (Ohalei Rachamim), a Messianic Jewish synagogue - with a new coffee shop/falafel stand, a soup kitchen,  pro-life councelling, and a humanitarian distribution center where they provide food and clothes to the needy.  Rabbi Eitan Shishkoff took time to talk to us before services to tell us about his ministry.  I think most of us would have liked to stay for services but did not have the time. If you want to learn more about Tents of Mercy, go to

Here is a picture of John and Arlene with Eitan.

They opened up their Torah scroll for everyone to take a closer look.

We then headed to Akko, the strongest Crusader city of all time. Built in the 11th century, filled in and built over in the 18th century, and used as a prison by the British in the 20th century - there is so much history.  There have been major archeological digs over the past 40 years which continues today.

After lunch we stopped to purchase some Turkish Delight and fudge from a street vendor.

We then headed to Rosh Hanikra - a place that was on our itinerary two years ago but we skipped because we did not have the time.  Rosh Hanikra are beautiful grottos that are right at the border of Lebanon.  We took a cable car (we were told the shortest cable car in the world) down to the grottos and walked through the caves.  The water was a magnificent mediterranean blue and I apologize my pictures do not do the colors justice.

Steve and I are always up for trying something new ... especially when it has to do with food.  We saw this fruit in the markets of Tel Aviv and when we saw it being sold at the grottos we decided to buy two and share with the group.  The fruit is called Pitahaya (also known as Dragon Fruit) and very yummy. 
All over Israel there are many young soldiers carrying machine guns.  I took a picture of these two, both on their phones, having lunch, with their guns on the ground next to them. In Israel, it is mandatory for Jewish girls to serve 2 years and boys to serve 3 years in the IDF - it is voluntary for Arab Israelis to serve in the army. They serve these years right after finishing high school.

Tomorrow morning will come very early ... we have a 5:30am wake-up call and on the bus by 7:30am. Good night all!

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